Being A Mumma…

Being a mumma (mother) is about embodying the essence of the feminine energy, energy of mother earth.

It is not just about bearing children and feeding them to grow (although that’s full on mumma business too).

Being a mother is about holding the sacred space for creation, for birthing, for growth to happen…

It is about being love, being patience, having compassion and kindness… to serve, to nurture, to nourish, to care and caress…

It is about being gentle when gentleness is needed, being ferocious when ferocity is needed…

Being a mumma is about holding the ground for them to be strongly rooted and yet let them flow and fly in the open sky…

Being a mumma is also being able to live in your truth, speak your truth, guide them by your mistakes and failures, triumphs and achievements…

It is about falling down, and picking yourself up every time, because it’s not just for yourself, but for someone, something more than that….

Being a mumma is staying strong hearted and standing tall when they leave to fly…

And to look out for them with open arms and an overflowing heart, so they always know…

…that their mumma is there, always looking out for them, a sounding board to listen, a shoulder to cry on, a balm to heal, a friend to celebrate with, and a safe harbour in times of storm.

Always right there. Forever.

Being a mumma…

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