Does Your Child Feel Rich Inside?

She is so rich mom, my 10 yr old daughter once described her new friend to me.


How do you know she’s so rich? I asked with curiosity.


Her house is huge, her room has a lovely carpet and a beautiful dresser. She has a big car, so many clothes and shoes. And she even has her own mobile and laptop, can you believe it?

She was a little bewildered seeing all that.


Yeah, sure. You mean her parents have a lot of money. That’s great.


And how rich she is as a person?


What do you mean mom?


I took the opportunity to gently share about mental and emotional richness to my daughter.

To my surprise, she listened without saying, I don’t want a lecture, please 😃

You know, we have a Bank account in a bank, which a physical bank with physical / paper money, right?


We have a mental and emotional bank account that is inside ourselves and can’t be touched.


But this is visible to people through our behaviour, attitude, and actions in life.


Hmmm…..! She was listening carefully, so I continued (in a simpler language than here 🙂

Mental bank account is made of our thoughts.

There is a huge variety of thoughts…. happy thoughts, sad thoughts, worry thoughts, silly thoughts, comparison or jealous thoughts, hopeful and depressing thoughts.

Every single thought has an impact on us and creates an emotion in our body.

“This happens due to the release of certain Juice (chemical) that are produced in our body, as a result of thought signals we send.”


The body produces stress chemicals every time we think of any fearful or stressful thoughts. These can be called negative thoughts as they produce bad feelings.


Happy chemicals are produced when we think loving, good or happy thoughts, hence they are positive thoughts as produce happy feelings.


The wealth of your mental and emotional bank account is obvious in your personality.

If You are Happy and have good energy, You are Rich.


You have wonderful relationships and A Happy atmosphere in your family.


“Interestingly like your bank account, even your mental and emotional bank account can be measured on a map of consciousness, which was created by Dr. David Hawkins.”


The energy levels of a person can be measured with a muscle testing technique and provide the level of the energy field of a person as per their emotions.


Here’s a brief of Level Log (also known as Hawkin’s scale)

Enlightenment 700-1000

Peace 600

Joy 540

Love 500

Reason 400

Acceptance 350

Willingness 310

Neutrality 250

Courage 200


Below 200 (below the critical level of integrity, 200 is a low average):

Pride 175

Anger 150

Desire 125

Fear 100

Grief 75

Apathy 50

Guilt 30


@ David R. Hawkins


If a person’s energy level is below 200, they are in negative balance in life. Over a long period of time, if not taken care of, this leads to physical or mental diseases.


How wealthy are you?

signs of wealthy mental & emotional bank account

 Our state keeps on changing moment to moment, what matters is how often we choose to stay in a peaceful state and keep coming back to it or not.

Hence, a simple way to mental and emotional wealth starts from thinking good thoughts about yourself, and others that make you feel good.


Reality is only what we believe firmly, anyway.


So why not believe the best about ourselves, others and the world. Let’s shine our light and wealth from within 🙂


I know We are so rich mom, my daughter gleamed with exuberant joy while saying this 🙂


And I felt overjoyed.

How rich are you as a person?


How connected are you to yourself and your family members?

Does your child feel the richness in their family?


Check yourself on the Consciousness scale and share it with us.

Infinite love.


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